Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Slaughter in the Deep

Evil managed to capture The Bird and cloned it hundreds of times. When the original escaped, still with the cloning device attached, it awoke, telepathically, the others and attacked and killed all the guards.
Because the device was still attached, the machine carried on cloning. Evil knew how much of a threat The Birds were so he sent his entire army in. First, he sent in The Wasps and they held The Birds far back from the Gate, the enterance to the surface where Evil's main force was waiting. The Birds eventually overcame The Wasps and destroyed to King Wasp who other Wasps were constantly being cloned from. This meant Evil ran out of Wasps. The Birds then made it to the Gate. Evil sent a bomber into the Bird's Nest and destroyed the cloning machine stopping all Bird production. The following fight will forever be known as 'The Slaughter in the Deep'. As the Birds reached the Gate, Evil's army unleashed massive fire, killing Birds by the hundreds. At that time, my ninjas teleported in and managed to get the device for cloning Birds and escaped except for my ninja leader who gave his life so the others could escape. He will be mourned. In the end Evil slaughtered all the Birds, the pile of bodies like a blanket on the ground before the Gate. He is truly unstoppable.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Bird continued

After The Bird was captured for the final time, Evil sent it and the Striking Venom down to DG central to find and destroy Evolution. When they got down, one of my rebellions ninjas completely destroyed the control chip. Evil immediately knew how much of a threat The Bird was uncontrolled and ordered the newly upgraded Striking Venom to destroy it. Evolution and the ninja managed to escape as the Striking Venom shot down The Bird and sealed it below the surface of Evil's planet. Evolution has just made it back to my rebellion.

The Bird

My rebellion release a 40 foot tall monster called The Bird from another dimension against Evil.

Evil's Striking Venom tank defeated it, just. Then Evil implanted a control chip in The Bird and sent it against Evolution, who had escaped during The Bird's first attack. Evolution broke the chip and the Striking Venom had to defeat The Bird again. When The Bird was defeated, Evolution re-wrote the computer chip to obey Genius, who then remote controlled it. The Bird and Evolution once again fought the Striking Venom and this time won, with The Bird badly injured. Evil realised that The Bird was cursed to always be reincarnated so he decided to fire a warhead at them. The warhead destroyed the area, killed The Bird, and it is not know what appened to Evolution. Evil then reincarnated The Bird and reprogramed the chip.
There are rumours that Evolution fell through a crack in the shell Evil's planet has moulded itself into around DG central and that he is now walking among the dark, ruined cities of DG central.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

A mystery is solved and a problem grows

The mysterious man stole the doctor's Tardis. He came back 5 seconds later having retrieved his memories. He revealed that he was the future VirtualPigMaster. He grabbed the remote for the Virtual Pigs and held the Rebellion hostage. A simple bit of forced Atlantean magic changed the man into a completely different personthan the VirtualPigMaster. He has the same memories and ideas but is a seperate person so that simply killing the VirtualPigMaster will not stop him. He then teleported away to the opposite side of the ONS moon. There is now another force trying to stop the ONS Rebellion.

The Dark Ages are ending......

Destiny, with The Staff of Heaven, has driven off Morgoth. He has presuaded Morgoth to let the Dark Ages end before he attacks.
Morgoth will let us fight between ourselves and then he will destroy the winners. After he destroys Destiny, his main threat.
Basically, Morgoth will not reappear for a long time, not until peace is restored. As far as we are concerned this is a blessing.
Genius has also just been rescued but not informed about Goliath.
We only have to worry about Evil now.......


Evil discovered that a Giga Amulet that he own, was actually not an antique but a key.
A key Genius had tried to protect.
The key to.......Goliath.
Evil dispatched a fleet to find and bring back Goliath.
Goliath is the reason Genius was not destroyed along with the rest of the Giga.
But Goliath could now destroy us all.
My rebellion know the name but do not know what it is.
Goliath has been awakened.

Ancient magic

Doom has researched Ancient Magic. It is a type of magic that has not been used for millions of years but is more powerful than any other magic, even Atlantean magic cannot rival it. It can make things that are meant to be impossible, a simple task. Doom is beginning to learn it's secrets. He must be stopped!


Recently, a man crawled through the dust towards the ONS Rebellion. He was wearing a police uniform but coud not remember any of his memories. We are not sure who he is. There are no files about him or records of his existence. He can't even remember his name. He is using the name Skadex because he says it is improtant to him but won't explain why. We're keeping a close eye on him beacause he might be dangerous.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

An abnormally large problem

Evolution has been captured. It was he who attacked the nuke launchers and freed my rebellion. But now he has been defeated. He was trying to make his way back to my rebellion when my ulimate robots attacked. It was a long hard fight and he won it, just. Then my Supreme Daleks arrived. He took down 10 daleks before he was overwhelmed. He has now been imprisoned by Evil.
My rebellion also found my old dalek destroyer guns, which would destroy the ONS daleks perfectly. The problem is, there are only two left so they would not be much use.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


The three armies gathered around the ONS Rebellion. The killing was about to start when the wielder grabbed the Sword and fired a huge flame from it into the sky. This was a constant flame that was so powerful it created a rocket motor that moved the entire moon. The ONS Rebellion all grabbed on to something solid but the gravitational pull of the planet was not enough to keep the 3 enemy armies on the ground!
However, they all probably didn't die.
The ONS rebellion saw the Tomsett army teleport away (probably to their homeworld), we saw Doom's army being pulled into a small wormhole created by Doom. This was probably a passage to The Doom homeworld. As we all know, daleks can survive in space and the scarecrows seem to not need air to survive.
It was more of an escape attempt than a victory. The ONS moon has now become a dwarf planet because it now has a gravitational pull around the sun.
It was a lucky escape but the scattered armies are probably already preparing to return...

Sunday, June 17, 2007

More Stuff of the Good and the Bad

My rebellion, until now, was trapped by Evil in my sun surrounded with thousands of nuke launchers. A mysterious attack on the central control launchers has destroyed them all, flinging them into the sun. This has caused massive solar flares, trapping my rebellion for a short time. My rebellion will escape once the solar flares have died down.
The bad news is, Genius and my army leader managed to escape. And walked right into a trap. My Elite Clones lost a lot of men capturing them, but Evil now controls them. Genius, Evil's ex master and mentor, has now returned to his pupil, as a prisioner instead of a master.
Without Genius and Evolution all hope is lost for saving the ONS system, since Destiny will not help because he know Morgoth is a bigger problem. Genius was the only reason Destiny was help ONS, because he has strong feelings for all good. Destiny does not do this out of dislike for the ONS system, but because he feels it is right. This will probably mean ONS will declare war on us.
Divide and Conquer.
Morgoth's plans are falling into place.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

it begins...

ONS scanners have detacted three fleets heading in our direction. All three enemies in my solar system are going to land very soon. i need a fast plan because i cannot win through strength of arms. can you both try and think of a plan to help me? we are in a serious situation.
the enemy approaches...the time is near... the final battle is coming soon
and we must stand together.

another assasination attempt

Evolution, my ultimate being, tried once again to kill Prof Evil. He came very close, freeing one of Evil's immortal bodyguards and almost killing Evil. Evil had found an ancient Giga ship and had flown it to the remains of the Giga city in the DG sun. He was about to take control when Evolution activated the destruct button and most of the city's remains and the ship were destroyed, execpt for the part with my rebellion in. Unfortunatly, Evil just escaped but Evolution didnt, though he discovered the reason for his creation in his last moments. He did not try and escape because he was dieing anyway from a wound Evil inflicted. Evil was saved by his one remaining bodyguard who found that he contained nano-tech which healed all his wounds so survived all of Evolution's attacks.

Monday, June 11, 2007


The two Dark Lanturns have been turned back into Lanturn and Dark Fire.
Prof Evil had captured one of them and forced him under his control. The other one was captured by the Force of Destiny. Prof Evil sent the one he controlled to capture the other one, but it was a trap and the Force of Destiny managed to un-fuse them.
One of the 'Greek/Giga Project' skeletons was also captured by Prof Evil which greatly reduces our power.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

No more robots!

The all the factories that produce robots have now been taken over by the DBCC. A soldier from the DBCC can take over a living creature and a non-living creature, meaning that before, when the LWGG had a nice income of robots, there isn't any income any more.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


Lantern (and the ninja) did not manage to stop Dark Lava and Dark Fire from meeting, but mangaed to engage him in a massive fight, which ended in a fusion of them both, creating two insane monsters : Dark Lanturns, who destroy everything in their sight, except for each other.

The Ultimate Ressurection

The Wielder has discovered that he can bring back the entire army. Everybody who died since the sword was found can be brought one cost:
Everybody who died since that time includes bad guys. The 6 billion scarecrows, the zombies, the freaks, everyone. We would gain a couple of hundred men and the executioner, they would gain billions of people...we are however, continuing with the plan of ressurection.

Dark Lava

Dark Lava has agreed to join Morgoth's side in the war, but is secretly spying on the LWGG. Instead of destroying the DBCC, Morgoth guarentied Dark Lava's safety and said he could kill his father, Evil, as his favours to him.
Dark Fire is now relaying messages between Dark Lava and Morgoth.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Possible Ressurection

When Sam (the Wielder of the Sword) is fighting at his most vigorous and violent then he swears that he sees glimpses of the Executioner fighting aswell. It seems to be only an image but it could be more. If Sam uses the Sword at its full extent he might be able to sustain that image enough to bring back the executioner. We are not sure if it is possible but we are trying to train the Wielder to his maximum. Who knows...

Near death incident

Porf Evil was almost killed!!!!!!
When he attempted to open his captured TARDIS, a time shift occured and a very important person from the future was sent back to our time. Prof Evil told her a great secret of his because he thought she was on his side. She wasn't. She fire a rocket into his chest, almost killing him.

She is now the only person apart from Prof Evil who now his terrible secret.......

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Army grows even more

The Force of Destiny has persuaded the Crimson Premanent Assurance to join their side. These are a group of very powerful warriors. They have also brought forward in time an ancient warrior, an immortal warrior.......
Also Dark, Death's ex-deputy has had his powers consumed by Morgoth and has now come back as Dark Fire, Dark Lava's brother. He is a skeleton burning with dark fire and he has been sent to gain his brothers alligance. The Force of Destiny has sent Lanturn, a powerful skeleton with control over fire and one ninja to stop Dark Fire. The are currently in the KD system.
If they can stop Dark Fire in time then Morgoth's forces will be slightly deceased. Barely enough to matter though still an advantage.......

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The army grows

The ONS rebellion has found the police force. They were stuck on an army training planet called Delta. They say that Doom has been working in that area. Now the ONS rebellion has a stronger army.This is not, however, making ONS feel better. ONS is still having a mental breakdown. We are still in need of a miracle.

Stuff of the Good and the Bad

The Sword of the Heart of the Sun has been retrieved and the chosen one who can unlock the Sword's true power has it (he is on our side). Some knights have been found in the planet Etheval (my knights planet) . They are helping the ONS rebellion. Also, the super heroes that were captured by Tomsett have been rescued.
But the bad news is this:
Our greatest fighter, the Executioner has been killed. When he was released, he gave his life to help the others get out safely. He was shot by the ultra powerful cyborg, Grobic. This has made the ONS rebellion alot weaker.
But we now have the Sword and its full power can be shown because it is in the hands of the true wielder.
Tomsett wants revenge because he has lost the Sword and the possibility of a super hero army. He is preparing the army for a grand invasion that will destroy the ONS rebellion.

The board is set... the pieces are moving...we must trust in the Sword.

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Beast

It's alot worse than it seems in the KD solar system, as the DBCC has created a fail safe system. The parrellel witch (who started alll of this) has released the beast (the devil). Now this Beast is hasn't got a physical form, its just a massive surge of power, but this power is being contained at Proffesser X's old Labortaory.
The DBCC has created a system, which is a massive power coverter. When Evil.3 invaded Professer X's lab, Proffeser X hit the self dustruct button, desrtoying the evil army inside the lab, and escaping himself. The way the lab self destructed, is that it made everything possible inside that lab happen at the same time, for instance a cow turning into a chicken, a cow turning into a green chicken, a cow turning into a white chicken, a nuc exploding at 3000 miles per hour, a nuc exploding at 3001 miles per hour etc...
This created alot of energy, and the energy has now being mixed with the beast's energy and being pumped into a massive tank, which acts like a TARDIS (the size of an universe on the inside, the size of a tank on the outside). The DBCC are now also pumping other universes into the tank, and as soon as the DBCC go down, the tank explodes outwards, destroying as many universes that have been pumped into it so far, starting with ours.
Also the DBCC are not an easy race to defeat, they were designed by the beast, and are as cruel and heartless as him.

Darklava will bow to your leader, but it looks like it would only bring, death, dustruction and the end of the universe...