Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lost Doctor

The Doctor's TARDIS had some problems after being shot at by 100 daleks while flying through the time tunnel at top speed. It flew right to the end of the vortex and landed in some kind of no-place where there is nothing but a open white landscape. The TARDIS is broken and the Doctor cannot leave until it has been fixed. The rebellion have no idea where he is.


The Gold said...

what is needed to fix the tardis?
My tardis has been captured so i cant help you

Oliver JNS said...

It won't actually take too long, but now the Doctor has the problem that he has met a race of rock creatures that are out to kill him. Big problem...

The Gold said...

i just got my tardis back but we are busy using it to get behind enemy lines

The Thinpin said...

I have a Tardis, would that help?